Friday, March 7, 2008

Steamboat, CO: More Pizza, Less French Fry

Greetings from glorious Steamboat, Colorado! I am here with my father and sister on a long-weekend ski trip. Steamboat is a quaint winter-destination town about four hours northwest from Denver. It is a much cozier, less snooty than other Colorado destinations.

A little ubication thanks to Google Maps

My parents have been coming here for years and as has, relatively speaking, my sister. They ski several times a season either in Vermont or out West. As long as I have had the choice, I've always opted for warmer vacation destinations with friends, which is why I've missed so many ski trips over the years. For this reason I am probably the slowest and least dexterous person on the entire mountain. My sister and dad are pretty good, so I went along with them on the intermediate/advanced courses. Ouch! I really belong on the green circle bunny slopes. I do commend them for being patient with me. My dad's consoling motto, "if you ain't fallin' you ain't skiing!" has indeed been my credo this trip.

Dad and sister; Ski Bunny and Ski Troll

I did not ski these; chairlift!

The best signs in town

At present I cannot bend my knees and my calves are on fire. It was a good challenge but I think I'll stick with the beach next time around.

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