Wednesday, January 16, 2008


greetings from highland hosptial, oakland, ca. i am here stalking doctors. this evening i am flying to la and better be seeing katie linhardt and maybe her secret loverboy aidan. tomorrow i head to the middle of nowhere to work on a new organizing campaign (!!). be back friday.

my mom called me today to react to the photos i sent her from the uptown club. she was not pleased. she asked me to get a new hobby. can you believe this??? i for one thought she would be more supportive, as she has through my past freakier and potentially more dangerous interests. who sends a fifteen year old on an unchaperoned trip to cuba with the communist party?? who lets her daughter almost get shot up in the war-torn mountains of chiapas??? i mean seriously! anyway, this is a bummer but the good news is that my parents are renting a condo in miami beach for easter. cha-ching. xx

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